Free Novel Read


  KALI: Raunchy Relived


  T. Styles

  1st Edition


  Copyright © 2015 by The Cartel Publications. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission

  from the author, except by reviewer who may quote passages

  to be printed in a newspaper or magazine.


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses,

  Organizations, places, events and incidents are the product of the

  Author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance of

  Actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2015952838

  ISBN 10: 0996209905

  ISBN 13: 978-0996209908

  Cover Design: Davida Baldwin

  First Edition

  Printed in the United States of America


  What’s Up Fam,

  I hope you all had a great summer and are ready for fall and the upcoming holidays. I can’t believe its football season again and almost time for Halloween. Time really flies so please make the best of it. Don’t waste precious time on negativity or dreams lost. Get out there and make it happen. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

  Now, on to the book in hand, “Kali: Raunchy Relived”. I could not wait for this book to drop! I loved how the beautiful and talented T dot Styles took us on a journey into Crazy Kali’s background and how he became the psycho he is. She did an outstanding job on this one and really took her time. I’m certain you will agree and love it just as much as I did!

  With that being said, keeping in line with tradition, we want to give respect to a vet or a trailblazer paving the way. In this novel, we would like to recognize:

  Suzy Favor Hamilton

  Suzy Favor Hamilton is a former Olympic runner as well as a former high-class prostitute turned author. Her novel, “Fast Girl: A Life Spent Running from Madness” is a New York Times bestseller that details how she went from an Olympian to tricking in Las Vegas all while being a wife and mother. It is an extremely open story on Suzy’s trials and tribulations and the illness that caused her to lead two different lives. Check it out!

  Aight, get to it. I’ll catch you in the next novel.

  Be Easy!

  Charisse “C. Wash” Washington

  Vice President

  The Cartel Publications

  Instagram: publishercwash

  Follow us on Instagram: Cartelpublications






  “The sins of the father are to be laid upon the children.”

  - William Shakespeare



  Hard rain, orchestrated by violent thunderstorms pounded on the navy blue van as it veered down the dark winding road. It was the type of weather that made one believe that God was through with mankind, leaving every wretched soul to fend for himself.

  Inside of the rocking vehicle, eyes blindfolded, arms tied tightly behind their backs, were three strangers. Although different circumstances brought them together, they sat arm in arm, simmering in the smell of feces and fear. Each wondering how fate would have its way with their lives.

  When the van made a sudden stop, Kali Miller’s body knocked against the man on his right, and when it started again he drifted into the man on his left. Earlier each was stripped of their shirts and shoes by the abductors before they made the trip to their unmarked graves, within the soft dirt of a Virginian woodland. The back of the van, separated from the driver by a metal wall, made it easier for them to speak if they desired, yet no one bothered to say a word.

  Until now.

  “I wish I knew,” Barrie Cody finally said to himself, unable to take the silence, even if it meant hearing his own voice. “I just wish I knew why I’m here.” Limited ventilation caused puddles of sweat to soil the white bandana covering his eyes. “I wish someone would talk to me.” Anxiety was causing him to loose composure, resulting in heavy breaths laced with uncomfortable anticipation.

  Not even two hours earlier, Barrie, a black Irishman, was snatched out of his bed where he lay asleep with his sick wife. All night he nursed her, trying to exterminate the high temperature, which had weakened her body’s defenses, bringing her closer to death. As with the others, they snatched his car so that there would not be cause for alarm, at least for 24 hours.

  Barrie wondered would he ever see his sickly wife again.

  Did the kidnappers murder her or leave her untouched?

  “You…you…know what we did,” Timo Rupert whispered in his direction. The stutter in his speech softened the passion he felt for each word. “You…you were there with me, forcing me, even though I didn’t want to go.” Having been the one who released his bowels five minutes earlier in his jeans, he was now filled with hate for his brother-in-law, who in his opinion had been nothing but trouble since marrying into the family a few years earlier. “Now I’m going to die in this…this van and it’s all your fault.”

  “You know, I’m sick of you blaming me for shit!” Barrie roared, over Kali’s body. “You wanted in so I gave you your wish. You don’t actually think them bitches you fucked would’ve dealt with you without paper?” he laughed. “Do you?”

  Kali was so silent as they ranted that they almost forgot he was sitting between them. Although they all suffered bruises and lacerations, Kali, with his rebellious spirit endured the most abuse. A three-inch gash ran across his forehead and the corner of his lip was busted, the blood held in place by a hardened clot.

  Upon hearing Barrie’s words, Timo calmed down although he was on the verge of a breakdown. The reason he was involved in the stash house heist, which he believed was the cause for the abduction, was because of his ability to case a scene and assess the risks no matter how protected the property.

  From trap houses to city banks, nobody had an eye better than Timo. If there was a caper he could supply the team with foreseeable problems before moving forward, allowing each man in his camp to plan properly. The trouble was he was also a first generation bitch who couldn’t be counted on to stay unflustered if things got thick.

  “Ya’ll talk too much,” Kali finally said, unable to bite his tongue. “And niggas who talk too much say more than need be told.”

  Barrie and Timo sat back against the van’s wall; an immediate respect for the soft spoken stranger filled the air.

  “I didn’t think you knew how to talk,” Barrie said sarcastically. “Haven’t said two words this entire trip.”

  “Yeah…what…what you in for?” Timo asked.

  Kali laughed softly as he considered the query. A better question would have been what hadn’t he done. From kidnapping to murder, a man of his tenure had done it all. “Too many things.” His words came out within a deep exhalation, memories of the wicked life he led traced through his mind.

  “Just say you don’t want to answer, nigga.” Barrie was annoyed that the stranger didn’t offer more. “It ain’t like we not gonna die anyway.”

  “You may die…but I won’t,” Kali said smoothly.

  “This nigga…nigga…funny. Case you haven’t realized it they got you in the back of this bitch right along with us. You…you not going nowhere if they don’t want you too.�

  Kali shook his head. “All my life people have been trying to write me off, even my parents.” He considered the irony. “And you know what…I’m still here.”





  All eyes were on me, just like I like ‘em. I’m not surprised because when I stepped into the house wearing a white silk dress, no bra, no panties, I expected every dick in attendance to be stiff and pointed my way.

  Standing in the corner of Nellie’s house, at her 18th birthday party, I allowed the Isley Brothers’ voices to move through my soul. As I listened to the words of their hit song ‘It’s Your Thing’ I waited for the right man to come my way, and if he wanted he could whisper the lyrics in my ear.

  I scanned the room and every man worth anything was snatched up, although each would glance at me every so often. Figuring it was time to steal a man I wiggled my hips, softly, from side to side, like blades on a car’s windshield wipers. The banging of my gold bracelets clanking together sounded like soft bells as my body vibrated.

  Before long I was having such a good time I needed no one. Mama always said a woman’s most attractive when she not looking for a man. I guess that’s why two songs later, after my body moistened, causing the dress to cling to my light skin, Leroy Payne strolled up. Wearing a pinstripe blue suit, he removed a gold cigarette case from his pocket, flipped it open and said, “Smoke?”

  Leroy was a pimp, and a cool cat with lots of dough to splash on a chick like me who looked even prettier in pretty things. I felt myself getting overly excited with just the possibility of sitting in his black Lincoln Continental parked out front.

  Wanting to appear older than my 17 years I said, “Sho nuff, Leroy.” I slid a square from the case, placed it between my plush pink lips and said, “Got a light?”

  He winked, removed a gold lighter from his pocket and sparked my tip. I could see him eying the dark circles of my breasts; as the silk rubbed against my skin and caused my nipples to harden.

  “You one foxy mama,” he said licking his lips.

  I could smell his cologne and felt tingly inside. “Thanks,” I winked and took a pull of the cigarette.

  Suddenly my chest was filled with a flood of smoke. It was like it entered each crevice of my lungs, making it impossible to breathe. Afraid I was about to die my eyes widened and the cigarette toppled out of my hand before Leroy stomped on it like a roach. I thought I was about to cough up my guts when his massive hand came slamming down on my back repeatedly, like I was a baby.

  My knees went slamming to the floor as my body dropped on all fours. “How—cough—could—cough—anybody smoke—cough cough—that shit?” I was losing all of the sexiness I mustered up earlier.

  “Maybe little girls shouldn’t be smoking,” he said as he tapped my back one last time with an attitude.

  Standing up halfway I leaned on the wall. “Well, I ain’t little.” I straightened myself out and tucked my right titty back into my dress that managed to pop out. “I’ll be 18 next month.”

  “Well 18 ain’t here is it? And Leroy don’t fuck no kids.” His eyes rolled over my body again. Maybe he was trying to make up his mind for sure. “Besides, if I did give you the dick you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself.”

  He walked away and I stuck out my tongue at him.

  I stood in the corner, arms crossed over my chest, lips pouting more than usual. I’m tired of men telling me I’m not old enough for this or for that. If something adventurous didn’t happen in my life and soon, I had visions of killing myself.

  I was just about to leave when ‘I Heard It Through The Grapevine’ came on the record player. Suddenly my body had wings again. Snaking my hands through my thick curly Afro, I softly swayed my hips from left to right as the song continued to move my body. When I opened my eyes briefly I saw Leroy staring again and when I glanced down at his crotch I noticed his dick was stiff.

  Maybe I’m not so little after all.

  Closing my eyes again I continued to dance until suddenly I was yanked downward, my lips pressed against the hardwood floor. The record scratched and the music stopped as someone continued to pound on me. It wasn’t until the lights got turned up, that I caught the flash of my mother’s silver wig.

  Now I knew what was happening.

  She was taking the dress off of my body, a dress I borrowed out of her closet that she was too wide to wear.

  “Look at ya,” she said with disdain. “You ain’t even lady enough to wear no underclothes.” She slapped me again and I covered my face with my arms. Air rushed over my vagina because it was out in the open.

  “Mama, don’t do this!”

  “Don’t tell me what to do! You so selfish, Berny, and I’m tired of you. Don’t care about nobody but yourself. Here it is I needed help and you out here parading yourself like a whore! You keep this up and you gonna turn into one. Just wait!”


  “Don’t bother coming home tonight. I’m done looking at ya.”

  I glanced her way, just long enough to see the blood stained dress she had clutched in her palm walk out the door.

  “Muffy, turn the album back on,” Nellie said to her cousin. The music filled up the room and the lights were dimmed. “And everybody finish dancing. The party not over yet.” She laughed nervously.

  Nellie quickly moved toward me and helped me up by snaking her hands under my pits. When I was on my feet she tried to cover my body with hers by standing in front of me but it didn’t stop me from catching Leroy’s disapproving glare. I guess more than anything I really was a kid to him now.

  Once we got to her mother’s room she slammed the door. “Sit on the bed, Berny.” She pointed to it as if I didn’t see the thing. It was almost as big as the floor.

  I flopped down, my bare ass pressed against a baby blue comforter. I felt guilty about ruining her party but at the same time it wasn’t my fault my mama popped up, was it?

  I could feel her anger and for some reason moved my eyes everywhere but on her face.

  Gazing at the dresser I saw a police badge belonging to her father and on her mother’s side lots of small glass jars filled with perfume. Taking a deep breath I said, “Sorry about this, Nellie.”

  Although she said, “It’s fine,” the way she opened and slammed the drawers as she searched for something for me to wear, told me she was still pissed. Nellie was a big girl so I couldn’t fit a thing of hers.

  I was still getting my thoughts together when she tossed a white t-shirt in my face, followed by some tiny jean shorts. “On second thought why shouldn’t I be mad at you?” She turned around and crossed her arms, tucking her hands under her pits. “This was a perfect night, Berny! And here you go fucking my groove up again. Why would you come to my party in her shit anyway? It’s like you love making her mad.”

  “You know that ain’t true!”

  “How many times has your mother ruined one of my parties trying to find you?”

  Too many for me to count.

  ”It was supposed to be my birthday!” She continued.

  It still was.

  “Now all anybody will remember is you sitting on my floor naked! You nothing but trouble and you gotta get your life together before God gives you something you can’t handle.”

  Maybe her words were true or maybe they weren’t. Either way I stood up walked toward her and tried to hug her but she backed away like I had the Pox. “I don’t have time for that nice shit. Put some fucking clothes on.”

  I don’t know what came over me. But suddenly I slapped her in the face with my entire palm. I was still trying to figure out why I did that when she raised her leg and kneed me so hard in my pussy I thought my period was about to come down. “Oh my God!” I yelled as I doubled over and fell on the floor.

  My third time for the night.

  When I was down she kicked me in the back of the head and walked toward the door. “You
got five minutes to get out my house! And don’t let me catch you around here again, I just might kill you.”


  I didn’t leave.

  Instead I spent the night sleeping in Nellie’s backyard like a dog and now I was sitting at a bus stop with a sheet wrapped around me. Like I just left a toga party. She took her mother’s shorts and shirt back and wanted me to walk away naked. I refused knowing she wasn’t supposed to be having a party with her parents out of town anyway.

  Nellie going to give me the sheet but only after a neighbor threatened to call the police and scream orgy if I wasn’t covered immediately. I didn’t want to be there all night but who could I call to pick me up? My mother told me not to come home. My brother’s phone was disconnected, so it meant her backyard would have to do until daylight.

  When the bus finally arrived I held my purse against my breasts, stood up and eased on. Grabbing some pennies I dropped them into the meter and walked toward the back. Everybody, including the driver, looked my way as I tried to find an available seat.

  When I made it to the back I was relieved and blinked a few times when I saw a man who was so sexy he gave me chills. He had a smooth baldhead. A five o’clock shadow. Thick lashes. Chocolate skin and wide eyes that seemed to sparkle. He was pretty and handsome at the same time and I was about to introduce myself, until I remembered I was dressed in a sheet.

  It wouldn’t have mattered anyway. He seemed unaware of my presence and was more interested in the Hershey colored woman with the thick legs sitting across from him.

  Still, for some reason, I couldn’t turn away. The only time I blinked was when my eyeballs dried out and I stared some more. I was still in his face until he did it.