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Pretty Kings 4 Page 10

  “No, I want you to come to me. It was a mistake on my part and I won’t shoot you down like that again.”She reached into her bag and removed the bottle of wine. “I brought a peace offering if you down for it. I’m also willing to listen if you want to talk.”

  He chuckled. “So you bribing me now?”

  She shrugged. “Is it working yet? We can’t make liquor runs since we’re being hunted so this bottle is worth a lot around here. Consider me the plug.” She reached inside her bag, grabbed the glasses and poured them both some wine. “So, talk to your new best friend.”

  He took a sip. “So that’s what we are now?”

  “You don’t like the term? I mean, if we gonna be new best friends the least we can do is be real with each other.”

  “Real is sometimes hard for people to handle.”

  “Well let me ask a question I always wanted to know.” She paused. “Did you really try and kill Bambi over the Grainger shit?”

  He frowned. “Why would you bring up that?” He wiped the water out of his eyes. “I thought we were chilling. You sure know how to fuck up a good mood.”

  “Didn’t you get at me earlier for judging? I figured since we are cool we could talk about everything. All I want is an answer, Bradley.”

  He put the glass down and sighed. “I was in a fucked up state of mind and I’m not happy about what I did to her. A lot of things happened and I was afraid I would lose my wife. So I was willing to do whatever I could to prevent that from happening including silencing Bambi. For life.”

  As they continued to talk, Ramirez entered the poolroom holding a large towel and a major attitude when he saw the scene. They didn’t know he was there yet because they were engulfed in conversation.

  After fucking Scarlett he wanted to take a quick soak only to see his brother and his wife keeping more time. He took a moment to observe them before moving closer in extreme rage. “Why is it whenever I pop up I see you two niggas huddled together?” Ramirez questioned. “Race, bounce. I want some alone time with my brother for a change.”

  Race rose, grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her body. “I’ll see you later, Bradley.” She said to be irritating.

  “Not if I kill this nigga first,” Ramirez said through clenched teeth. “I’ll be in the room later.”

  She grinned and walked out.

  Ramirez eased into the hot tub and sat across from his brother. “At first I thought I was seeing things but now I’m certain, you got a thing for my wife, man. Don’t you?”

  Bradley frowned. “I know you not fucking serious.”

  “Do you got a thing for my wife or not, nigga? You might as well be real because it’s definitely obvious! Wherever she is you are too. I mean where your wife, bruh? How come you always with mine?”

  Bradley picked up his glass, took a sip of wine and leaned back. “If you so concerned about what we doing that must mean you got something going on out in the world.” He pointed at him. “I mean, only a guilty man would question is brother like you do me. So come clean, bruh, what broad got your mind so fucked up that you would come at me in an unnatural way about Race?”

  “Let me be clear with you, nigga, I want you to stay the fuck away from her! If I see you around her again I might be liable to hurt you. That’s real, man. It’s not a joke so take heed.” He got out of the hot tub and stormed out.

  Bradley took a sip of wine again. “Damn, this nigga really ready to kill his own blood for her. Suddenly I’m more interested.”



  Kevin walked into his bedroom looking for Bambi, only to smell a foul odor coming from inside. When he saw his wife sprawled out on the floor, he rushed to her aid hoping she was alive. Vomit covered her mouth and clothing and he quickly disrobed her before giving her a warm bath.

  It took two hours for her to wake up and although love had him care for her, disgust made him hate her for it. “What you doing, Bambi?” He asked sitting next to her in the bed. “What you fucking doing to yourself? And to me? We got company in this house and you acting like a wino! I can’t keep going through this shit every time you got a problem in life.”

  A headache threatened any peace she would have for the day so she stroked her temples and tried to relieve some pressure. “What do you want me to say? I had a little too much but I’m fine.”

  He frowned. “A little too much? You were on the floor passed out, Bambi! You messy as fuck in here right now and not fitting to hold my name. I’m embarrassed to even know you.”

  Her eyes widened. “Not fitting to hold your name? Nigga, I got bodies behind showing my love for you and your name. And now after one episode you threatening my ring?”

  “You and me both know you took them bodies because you loved it.” He pointed at her. “True, in the beginning you wanted no parts of the dope game but you all in now and everybody in this house know it. Now are you gonna get yourself together or not?”

  “I’m having a hard time right now, Kevin.” She ran her hand down her face. “Can’t you understand that? And I—”

  “Stop making fucking excuses! I’m convinced that you only say shit you think I wanna hear. When you get better we gotta talk about us.” He stood up and looked upon her as if he wanted to spit in her face. “Because right now this not working for me and it got me rethinking the future.” Kevin stormed out of the room.

  Needing some peace, Kevin retreated in the only free guest room in the house. He was irritated when he smelled the weed odor stemming from it because he was trying to quit and figured Denim or Ramirez had been inside since they smoked more than anybody. But now that the sweet aroma filled his nostrils he wanted to fire up himself.

  Instead, he flopped on the messy bed, one arm behind his head the other on his chest. He loved Bambi more than any woman had come close but he couldn’t take another alcoholic episode in his life. Because contrary to what Bambi believed he was dealing with the loss of his son and brother too. Most moments he put on a front for his family but he felt like he was dying inside.

  When was he going to get his moment to reflect?

  “I’m sorry,” Believe said entering his space. “I…I knew this was the only free room in the house and I wanted to catch some alone time. My daughter has been asking so many questions about why we’re living here that I needed to think about everything before I talked to her.”

  Kevin popped up. “Oh, no problem. Come inside. I can go to my room. I was just thinking that’s all.”

  He was almost at the door and she said, “Kevin, can I ask you something? I know it’s personal but I need someone to turn to. I mean, I tried to call Sarge but…well you know how it is. He’s been in the field working for you and is inaccessible to me. I guess I should be used to it but I never am.”

  He stopped, spun around and looked around the room. It was difficult staring into her beauty and he didn’t want to do anything disrespectful by gazing too long. Besides, had someone did the same to his wife he would murder them quickly. “Sure, what is it?”

  “You have children and I guess I’m trying to figure out…how do you…how do you deal with a traumatic experience and raise a child at the same time? Treasure is eighteen but she’s never not been with Sarge and me. She’s never not been in our home. What can I do to make her comfortable? To make her feel safe?”

  He sighed. “You asking the wrong man.”

  “Maybe you’re right. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry,” she said sheepishly. “I’ll let you be alone.” She turned to walk away.

  “Believe.” She stopped and looked at him. “You aren’t prying,” he continued. “I’m saying that you’re asking the wrong man because I haven’t had any luck with raising my boys. One of my sons was killed and the other is away at college, barely talking to me or Bambi.”

  “That’s right, I’m so insensitive. You did lose a child and here I am asking you about mine.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I don’t
know what to do, Kevin. I feel all alone.” She moved closer to him and now he could smell the vanilla lotion on her skin. “I wish…I wish Sarge was here because then I could ask him to hold me but he’s not.” She looked at the floor. “And…I need someone to hold me. Can you do that? If only for a minute?” Now she was staring seductively into his eyes.


  Kevin took a few steps backward. It had been along time since he had been delivered pussy on the doorstep and he had to be careful before unwrapping such an alluring gift. For all he knew this could be a set up.

  But how?

  And why?

  She was Sarge’s wife and he was certain he’d never solicit her to seduce him. Besides, what would be the benefit? Getting cut off? Still, things felt off. He made a decision, he had to leave. “I know things will work their way out. Let me go to my—”

  He tried to walk away but she grabbed his hand with her butter soft fingertips. “Kevin, can you hug me? Please? I won’t bother you anymore afterwards. I just want to be held for a moment or else I’m gonna break down. I’m begging you. Do you want me on my knees? Because I will just to be held.”

  Kevin took his time responding, considering her beauty in the process. It was as if an hour passed as he battled with where hugging her would lead. His mind told him some good pussy but still…

  He was a dope boy and he knew firsthand where these types of situations ended up...trouble.

  He was in his family home.

  His wife with a military background, who had been trained to kill, was upstairs and still his dick was rock hard.

  If he turned around to leave there would be no crime. But if he stayed he was certain that he would be amongst the guilty, diving into all kinds of danger.

  And then he thought about Bambi. Drunk, upstairs and smelling like vomit. As far as he was concerned she should’ve been on her game knowing a beautiful woman was in their home.

  But she wasn’t so he would go for his.

  “Sure…I can hold you for a moment,” he said. “Don’t see a problem with that.”

  That moment was more like a second before she wrapped her arms around him. Pretty soon her lips met his, maybe they needed to be held too. Quickly things escalated. The sweet kiss that felt innocent and passionate at first moved to her warm body being pressed against his as he lifted her off her feet, walked her to the bed and released his dick.

  She felt better than he imagined.

  But before he could press into her good, Treasure came into the room and softly kissed his back. “Fuck is this?” he asked, preparing to stop everything until Believe held his face into her soft hands and looked into his eyes. His instincts said it was a setup but the emotional rollercoaster he’d been on left him woozy.

  “Roll with it, Kevin,” Believe said seductively. “All I want to do is thank you for letting us stay here. Can I do that for you? I promise you’re about to have the time of your life.”

  Treasure continued to kiss his back before her small fingers gave him a strong massage as he pushed into Believe. Wanting to do more Treasure eased on the bed, waist next to Believe’s head as she opened her legs. Having a feeling that Kevin was a pussy eater, she spread her lips and sure enough he licked and sucked her sweet smelling box as he pounded into Believe.

  He fucked a few bitches at the same time before but this was the first time he felt pure lust. Wanting to change shit up just a little, to experience every moment, he eased on the bed, as Treasure got on all fours. With her pussy opened Kevin pounded her from behind as Believe got under them and sucked his dick as it entered and left her daughter’s body.

  The creepiness of them being related mixed with the danger of Bambi being upstairs drove him crazy. The duo fucked and sucked for over an hour until Kevin exploded his cum onto Treasure’s chest and watched Believe lick it off.



  I just finished fielding a few more calls in Scarlett’s name when Bradley came into the door. “Where’s Ramirez?” I sighed in irritation because I knew where he was, probably somewhere fucking Scarlett.

  “Not sure where he is nor do I care.” I shrugged. “But how you two doing? After the hot tub he didn’t seem too happy about us spending time together.”

  He sighed. “He’s a funny guy.” He chuckled. “My brother acting crazy as fuck but I’m not about to play into his shit either. I should be asking how you both are. Why would he think we would go there with each other?”

  I cleared my throat. “Who knows what’s in his head? I would’ve thought you got an answer from him.”

  “Well it doesn’t bother me if it doesn’t bother you.” He looked into my eyes.

  I walked closer. “It doesn’t. I’m gonna do what I want to…always.”

  “Is that right?” He grinned.

  “Yes.” I smiled back.

  “I mean how he think I would ever fuck his wife?” He looked at me for what seemed like an eternity before staring at the carpet. “That would be wrong on all types of levels.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe it’s the fact that we can’t go anywhere. Boredom and isolation makes people go crazy.”

  “Right, but we have more luxuries here than most niggas can imagine. A poolroom, an entertainment room downstairs. It ain’t like we fucked up in here.”

  I shrugged. “It’s not always about the money. Maybe peace of mind is worth more, and in that area the Kennedy’s are dead broke.”

  “You right about that.” He looked into my eyes again. “So what you doing?”

  “Nothing. Why? You gonna take me to the movies or something?”

  “Yes.” He chuckled. “What you want to see? That new Will Smith joint?

  “Stop getting me excited.” I waved the air. “You know we can’t leave the house, Bradley. Abd would blow up the theater trying to get at us.”

  He smiled. “So you forgot about the movie room already?”

  I giggled. “Actually I did. I hardly ever go down there.”

  “I’m there all the time. If you hung out with me in the past you would know.” He winked. “Well I picked a few of my old favorites and was wondering if you would join me. I mean if you aren’t doing anything.”

  When I looked down I saw he was holding the DVD’s. I didn’t know he had them in his hand before that moment. “Yeah…sure but um…where’s Denim?”

  “She’s with Master and Sarah, in my room.” He frowned. “So you coming with me or what?”

  I giggled. “I don’t know your movie taste but...”

  “Girl, my movie taste’s like that. Brace yourself because you’re about to be in love with me for life behind my DVD game.”

  My eyes widened.

  “I’m just playing…I…I…about the love thing, Race.”

  “Don’t be so serious, Bradley. We past that now. If you can’t joke with me then who else?”

  “I knew you were cool,” he said. “So what we waiting on, Race?”

  Somehow his questioned seemed like it had two meanings but I followed him anyway.

  Besides, what did I have to lose?

  We were on our second bottle of vodka and I have to admit that I hadn’t laughed so hard in months. This wasn’t part of the plan to spend so much time with him and love it. Being with him felt too good. Bradley pulled out the movies Friday, Life and Harlem Nights and I was in heaven. It was like I never saw them and I realized I never really paid attention. Sure I sat down to watch them but something was always happening in the background that stole my attention.

  Life was just about to go off and the credits were rolling when he looked at me and said, “As hard as you’re laughing you must be enjoying yourself.”

  “You know, this is the first time I actually sat down and watched these movies and I’m so glad you invited me, Bradley. And that you took the time to pull these out your stash.”

  He looked at me harder and I felt he was about to do something not in the plan. And he did. Suddenly he moved in to kiss me
and I backed up. With my palms faced him I said, “Bradley, we can’t…we can’t do this. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but this is not what I wanted for us.”


  It was one thing to play him close and flirt a little to get Ramirez angry but a whole ‘nother thing to actually have sex. “I’m going back to my room.” I grabbed my pillow and stood up to leave. “I’ll see you—”

  “It was two of them,” he said gazing at the credits rolling on the movie screen. “One of them held me down while the other…while the other…” He swallowed. “At first I didn’t think it was happening. I heard of shit like that going down with niggas but I was a made man. I was a Kennedy and fucking with me could get them killed.” He looked at me with cold eyes. “Which it did because six months later I came back for blood. Still that was after the fact. They raped me. It turned out that’s why they wanted me all along, because of my name. I was a target.”

  I sat down.

  He had my undivided attention now.

  “When I came home, I didn’t know how to deal with life, Race. I…they…”

  I put my hand on top of his. His skin was cold as if the life was draining from him as he was telling me this story. “You don’t have to—”

  “I want to talk to you about it, Race. Because…because this shit been sitting on my heart for a long time.” He looked at me. “I’m a man. And that one night made me question who I really was. Who I really am. I can’t even fuck my wife behind it and I don’t know why.”

  It seemed like he wanted to go deeper and I wasn’t sure if I could be there for him in that way. Still, this explains everything. The mood swings when he came home and how he tried to kill Bambi. Not to mention the fights with Denim. No wonder why he moved differently. He’d been violated in the worst way a man could. “Bradley, I’m so sorry.”