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The Fold (The Fourth Book in the Redbone series) Read online

Page 3

  Unlike some men who chose to ignore their pregnant women sexually during this period, he was a country nigga, who realized the pussy was best during this time.

  Hot…warm…and tight.

  As he stared down at her chocolate body moving to the beat of his pumps, his flesh trembled at how she responded to him. Pleasure given. Pleasure received, was his motto. Add to that, he was on the verge of busting.

  Yep, sex with ole girl was always official.

  But as vicious as her pussy was, Memory Spencer could never be…would never be…Farah Cotton. And for that she would always fall short in his eyes.

  Turning her head to the left, she clutched the high thread count sheets and said, “Damn, Slade…I love you.” She backed into him harder. “So fucking much…never leave me.” Sweat dripped everywhere.

  He smiled and impelled her a little harder to silence her. He would never be in love with her so it was his duty to get that idea out of her mind. It didn’t matter that she was carrying a child he truly wanted. He wasn’t feeling her in that way, which to some may be fucked up.

  “I wanna hear you say the words,” she wept. “Even if you don’t mean them.” She paused. “Please, Slade. Just once.”

  “Stop with all that,” he said. “Let’s just enjoy the moment.”

  “You’ll never leave me right, Slade?”

  He rolled his eyes and instead of answering, squeezed her ass cheeks and raised them a little so he could see the pinkness of her pussy from behind as he drilled into her wetness.

  It was a miracle!

  Suddenly she wasn’t getting on his nerves by asking a thousand questions, which at the end of the day was his plan. Fuck her quiet. Talking about the future with a woman who didn’t make his heart pump with love was annoying and something in his spirit told him she knew it too.

  Besides, Memory didn’t have a mind of her own. She was Miss Whatever You Like.

  If Slade wanted to watch the game she was, whatever you like.

  If Slade wanted to stay over his brother’s house for the weekend she was, whatever you like.

  When Slade wanted to fuck her in the ass and watch her suck his dick seconds later, again she was whatever you like.

  There was no fight in her and he needed a woman who said what was on her mind despite the prospect of losing him if she said the wrong thing. Although she was beautiful and there was no denying it, she didn’t make him desire. She didn’t have her own mind and that was severely unattractive. As hard as he tried, he was losing respect for her and in a place deep inside his heart; he started to hate her slightly for her shortcomings.

  “FUCCCKKKKKK!” He moaned as he released his juice inside her hot body, another pro for having a pregnant girlfriend. The last thing you could do was get a bitch pregnant twice.

  Fully satisfied, he slapped her right ass cheek. “Damn that shit was right.” He pulled out of her, grabbed the white hand towel off the bed and wiped his wet, thick dick before tossing it on the floor.

  He wanted to relax until she came again at him with the one hundred questions. “Where do you go when you leave me? Mentally?” She crawled in bed next to him. “You’re so…I guess, different lately.”

  He grinned. “What you talking ‘bout now, girl? You want me to break you off again?” He asked jokingly.

  She crawled on top of him and placed her hand on his face. “I don’t have all of you, Slade. And I’m realizing that’s, something I need. Especially while being pregnant.”

  He rolled his eyes.

  The chick was blowing him.

  “I know you don’t like to get heavy but …” She took a deep breath. “I guess I want to do whatever I can and be the best for—”

  “Yourself.” He interrupted. “Be the best for yourself, Memory. Never for me because you could never know all the things I want.”

  She frowned, having gotten nowhere quick. “So when you gonna make me your wife then? Tell me that!”

  Now it was time to bounce.

  He eased out of bed, slipped into his grey sweats and white beater. She frowned at his gear. “So you wearing a slut outfit out the house, Slade? After we just had sex? I mean, where you going dressed like that?”

  He shook his head and grabbed his car keys and wallet off the dresser. “You want some Butter Pecan ice cream with honey? I’ma stop by the store right quick.”

  She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest while pouting. What she wanted was some answers to her questions coupled with a ring.

  He shrugged. “Well I’ma go grab some anyway. I’ll be right back.”


  Slade sat in his burgundy Escalade in front of 7-Eleven just staring at people coming and going. Fucking Memory was always a delight but the last thing he wanted was to go home, even if he was always in the mood for part two. Instead, he glanced over at a pint of Butter Pecan ice cream that sat in the passenger seat that although rock hard at first, was beginning its softening process.

  “Where are you Farah?” He said to himself. “Where—”


  Startled, Slade reached for the hammer under his seat, preparing to blast whoever was rapping at his window when he saw his youngest brother wearing blue coveralls soiled with motor oil. Relieved, Slade released the handle of the weapon and rolled the window down on his side. “What you doing, nigga?” Slade asked. “I almost shot your brows off.”

  Audio laughed and tapped the car. “You ain’t shooting nobody, shut your bitch ass up. When the last time you shot anything anyway?”

  Slade sat back in his fawn colored leather seat, and wiped his hand down his baldhead in relief. “Where you going?”

  “Killa got some burgers on the grill and Major stopping by later with the beer.” Audio hit the hood of the truck, walked toward the passenger door and hopped in. “You going right? Take me over there.”

  Slade looked around. “Where your car?”

  “This chick I be fucking with dropped me off. She just—”

  “Please say you not hitting off your boss’s wife again?”

  “Nah…I been stopped fucking her.” He winked. “She just ain’t stop fucking me yet.” Audio laughed, opened the Butter Pecan ice cream and slopped it up with the lid. “Damn, this shit good as fuck!”


  Future’s voice blasted through the speakers in Killa’s backyard as he flipped over burgers, hot dogs and chicken wings. A few of their cousins were in attendance but it was the three brothers who were keeping court with one another, as if nothing else was going on in the world.

  The pit’s smoke covered his brothers when Killa looked over at them while he played chef. But it was Slade’s uneasy expression, even through the thick grey charcoal clouds, that caught his attention. He seemed to be somewhere else mentally and Killa wanted to know where. With his meat looking right, he snatched his beer off the grill and plopped between them. “So you ‘bout to do it ain’t you?” He took a sip. “And ain’t no need in lying ‘cause I know my brothers. Just be real with me.”

  Slade looked at him for a second, shook his head and gazed downward. “I don’t know yet.”

  Immediately Audio, who finally got what was being said, grew excited. Turning toward them both he said, “Let’s do it! Please, man. It ain’t like we got shit going on down here!”

  Slade frowned. “You don’t even know what we talking about.”

  “Yeah I do.” He grinned. “Farah Cotton.”

  Slade was impressed. “Even if you know that don’t mean you going.”

  Audio sat his beer down. “Come on, man! Look at my fucking life.” He stared at them both, pleading with his eyes for mercy. “I change oil in nigga’s cars for a living! This ain’t even me.” He focused on Slade. “You gotta save me and you do that with an adventure. Plus I’m the only one who knows where she lives. Remember, I been to that house.” He pointed at him. “You haven’t.”

  Slade laughed heavily for the first time in a long time. Slowly the laugh
simmered before fading away. He realized that he wasn’t happy with his life. In fact, he was fucking miserable. He always knew it but there was no turning back. “I don’t want anything happening to you.” He looked at Audio. “I don’t want anything happening to either of you.” He looked at Killa.

  “We feel the same way,” Killa said. “But if you go alone that’s a bad look. At the end of the day we can’t lose no more people in this family, Slade,” Killa paused. “So we gotta take the ride. It’s as simple as that.”

  Slade thought about the violence that awaited them, courtesy of The Fold, if they went. They agreed to stay away and this was breaking the rules. Their mother already died from cancer, the last thing he needed was to lose another brother. “Nah, man—”

  “Listen, Slade, I got a kid in D.C. who I haven’t been able to see because of that pact you made with The Fold to stay out the city,” Killa interrupted. “Now I agreed not to go back because I didn’t want anything happening to family. But I want to see my kid and not just through pictures. Plus if you getting into danger you need your brothers at your side. I don’t even know why I gotta say all this ‘cause we going.”

  “All I’ma add is this,” Audio added. “If you two niggas leave me I’ma purposely get into trouble in the ‘Ssissippi just because. I’m talkin’ bout all kinds of shit too. Robberies…fights…maybe fuck a few extra bitches when they ain’t watching just for fun. Don’t even get me started with the—”

  “Aight, man!” Slade said as all three laughed. He looked into their eyes. “So it’s settled. We goin’ back to D.C.” He sighed. “But don’t expect a happy reception when we get there. Them niggas from The Fold gonna do everything in their power to kill us.” He took a deep, long breath. “Okay…now I gotta tell Memory.”

  “Telling her is the least of your troubles,” Audio said.

  “He right ‘bout that,” Killa added. “First you gotta tell Major.”



  “What I do to my man in our bedroom is our business.”

  Bones struck her again and she couldn’t get it out of her mind.

  Lately he had been harsher than ever, as if he wanted to beat the pride out of her and it was working. Adding to her burdens was Cutie being in the house who Farah had taken an interest in because of Mooney. Her days had always been dark but now they seemed bleak and without hope. In her opinion there was only one person who could bring her light.

  Slade Baker.

  It had been over two years since she’d seen or heard from him and to be honest she was angry. Why hadn’t he fought for her? Why hadn’t he done more to stay near? Although she knew he would be murdered the moment his southern boots stepped foot in the city, she wanted to hold him just once.

  But she made an agreement with the devil.

  And the devil’s name was Mayoni.

  If Mayoni was nothing else it could definitely be said that she was a rider when it came to making sure Bones was happy. And so after so many years she still forced Farah into a wall that would forever break her heart. Denounce her relationship with Slade to make Bones happy, or she’d send a pack of Fold members to his house to kill him before murdering her siblings, Shadow and Mia, her only living relatives.

  “Slade, are you even thinking about me?” Farah asked to herself in the shower.

  “Slade?” Mayoni repeated, having entered the bathroom without an invite. “What about that nigga?”

  Farah, who was stunned she was almost caught, remained silent for a moment. “Mayoni, is that you?”

  “Who else?” When Farah peaked out of the red stained glass she saw Mayoni holding her black towel. “Farah, what about Slade?”

  Farah snatched it from her, covered her body and walked toward the mirror. “What do you want, bitch?”

  Mayoni stood behind her as Farah swiped a hand on the mirror to wipe away the steam. “Just so you know, I’m suggesting to Bones that we restart Shikar. We haven’t gotten fresh blood in over six months and the others are getting restless with sucking on each other. It’s time for a hunt. And in case you haven’t realized it, they have eyes on that little girl. They’ll be slurping her blood out and fucking her too if you don’t be careful.”

  “She’s underage.”


  Farah shook her head. “Do what you want, Mayoni. But Dr. Weil said he wasn’t feeling Shikar.”

  “You must not know the man who shares your bed.” She looked her up and down. “Well…shares your bed sometimes.” She paused. “Anyway, Bones can be very convincing when he wants to.”

  “I think you’re out of touch with what’s going on. Dr. Weil and Bones are not as close as they used to be.”

  Mayoni rolled her eyes. “I wonder why?” She looked at her as if she were a slut with a stank pussy. “If you ask me this is all your fault. After all, you love seducing men don’t you?” She placed her hands on her hips. “Even Dr. Weil.”

  Farah looked at her and crossed her arms over her chest. “Get the fuck out my bathroom.”

  “Are you holding your end of the bargain, Farah? Are you satisfying Bones and ensuring that he’s happy? Because as you remember that’s the only reason why Slade and—”

  Farah glared. “What I do to my man in our bedroom is our business.”

  “Now you and me both know that’s a lie.” She giggled. “Because I’m the silent partner in you and Bones’ relationship. Never forget it.”

  Farah laughed hysterically. “I finally understand exactly what’s going on.” Farah pointed at her. “Did you use to fuck Bones or something?” Mayoni moved to slap her and Farah gripped her wrist before pushing her backwards.

  Having caught the tail end of a heated argument that could’ve gotten violent, Bones walked in and eyed them both harshly. “When are you both going to tell me why you don’t get along anymore? What aren’t you saying? You used to be friends and now—”

  “I have to go,” Mayoni said leaving the bathroom abruptly.

  When she was gone Farah looked at Bones. “And she was never my friend.” She squinted a little when she saw a bruise on his face, courtesy of Dr. Weil. “Wait…what happened to your mouth?”

  He glared. “Fuck that.” He removed the towel from around her body and took a few seconds to enjoy the view. “Are you fucking Dr. Weil on the low? And be honest.”

  “What? No! Of course not. I’m not feeling him in anyway.”

  “Does he know that?”

  Farah nodded her head. “Look, no man in here is allowed to touch me remember? Your rules. Your house. So I’m being honest.”

  He frowned. “You acting like you have a problem with it or something.”

  “I don’t wanna talk about this. I’m very tired.”

  She tried to walk away and he snatched her back. “Turn around.”

  Knowing what he wanted, some pussy, she placed her hands on the sink. “Okay, Bones. Get it over with.”

  “Nah…I want you to cry for this dick.”

  “What? I, I don’t understand.”

  “You understand perfectly so stop fucking around. Don’t let your pride anger me.” He released his penis and stroked it into stiffness. “You claim to be so in love with me that you’d do anything. Prove it. Cry.”


  He smacked her and grabbed her warm, throbbing cheek when he was done. Her patience was running thin. It was like he was taking all of his darkness out on Farah, in an effort to dim her light. “Cry for this dick,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “And if I don’t?”

  He pointed at her. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, Mia looks good. Lost a lot of weight too. Saw her the other day on my way to the city. Would be a shame for something to happen to her wouldn’t it?”

  And just like that, she was moved to tears. The truth was she knew he was about to threaten her family before he said a word. He did on a regular basis. But she needed a reason to cry and he gave her one.

  “That’s right, Fa
rah,” he moved her body so that her palms were now flat on the marble sink, her eyes viewing their reflection in the mirror. Just having him inside of her made her weep harder because she wanted him out of her body, so that she could have it to herself again. “There will come a time when you will finally realize the man you’re with is all you need. Dr. Weil will never be able to fuck you like this with his old ass. I’m the only person who matters in your life.”

  Without another word he pounded her roughly. Nothing about their sex life was arousing to Farah because she had grown to hate him and everything he represented. But expressing her feelings meant death for everyone she loved.

  “You gonna have my baby right?” He asked as he gripped her cheeks roughly again, causing red bruises to whelp up on her vanilla colored skin.

  “Yes, Bones,” she wept. “Anything you want.”

  “Yeah, you gonna have my seed.” He bit into his bottom lip and continued to thrust briskly. “And she gonna be pretty as you and as dangerous as me.” He slapped her ass cheek. “Fuckkkkk,” he bit his lip hard. “Damn, your pussy get better by the pump. How you do that?”

  She was emotionless.

  He could care less if she talked at this point because a few minutes later he came inside her body, his clumpy nut rolling inside of her trying to find a way to her womb. Satisfied, he slapped her ass again and kissed the side of her cheek. “It was good. But I ain’t gonna keep looking into your eyes and feeling unwanted, Farah. Especially when I’m surrounded by a house full of bitches just waiting to be by my side.”

  “Are you threatening to take the position back? The position I never asked for?” She paused. “’Cause if you are I can step down with pleasure. You’ll have no trouble from me.”

  He gritted his teeth. “Being with me is an honor. You gonna find out the hard way.” He stormed out.

  When he left Farah locked the door, rushed to the toilet bowel and removed the lid. Next she grabbed a birth control case from inside, popped a pill and cupped some water from the sink to take the medicine. There was no way in the world she was having a baby, and definitely not one belonging to Bones.