Pretty Kings 4 Read online

Page 5

  With his shoes on the floor she said, “Anything else?”

  “Suck my toes.”

  She looked down at his feet, the soft sting of vinegar-dried sweat already occupying her nostrils. “But…should I clean them—”


  She held her face and massaged the stinging sensation jolting through her cheek after he smacked her. “I said suck my toes and don’t question me again. EVER! You will learn what I prefer and you will not like it.”

  Rana lowered her head and starting with the right toe on his left foot, sucked the musty sweat off one by one. As he looked down at her he smiled thinking that the best part of this new marriage will be exhibiting the hate he had for his father onto her.

  After all Jawad was a gay man.

  And he despised the world because of it.



  I was pacing my bedroom floor, gun in hand trying to think about who I would kill first.

  Please God; give me the strength not to commit a double homicide tonight.

  I can’t believe this is happening. My chest tightened. This nigga had the nerve to beg me for some pussy and then when I refused, go upstairs to fuck my friend? My temples throbbed and I tried to stroke them with my free hand but the pain would not disappear. The betrayal was so heavy I felt weighted down and I could no longer move.

  Flopping on the bed, I looked out into the room and it felt like it was spinning. Why didn’t I see this coming? She was a beautiful newly single woman right in this house. How long had this been happening? The only reason I left instead of doing what my spirit wanted was because I needed a weapon but now I was feeling something else.

  The sting of betrayal.

  My mother always said, never allow a single woman to stay in your house longer than a weekend. And yet Scarlett was here for life.

  When I received a text I picked up the phone and looked down at it. It was from my New Friend and I realized I welcomed the distraction. It wouldn’t take my mind off of what I’d seen but it may calm me for the moment.

  At least I hoped.

  Quickly I walked into the bathroom, slammed the door and flopped on the toilet seat.

  Text Message

  New Friend: I miss talkin’ 2 U.

  Me: We need to speak. On the phone.

  New Friend: Sure. U okay?

  Me: Too much to say over text.

  He didn’t respond right away and I felt my heart dropping deeper into the pit of my stomach. We agreed that we would wait until the right time to speak on the phone and I hoped that my desperation in the moment didn’t scare him away. Or worse, turn him off.

  All I needed was a friend.

  Someone objective because in that moment I made a decision.

  Ramirez and Scarlett would die before the end of the night.

  I would’ve spoken to Bambi but the loyalty I had for the Kennedy family had me not wanting to get her involved, forcing her to choose sides. Besides, I didn’t need her trying to talk me out of my plan so it would be a waste. Although now that I think about it, when we were in the truck Bambi was trying to tell me something but I couldn’t receive her.

  Could it be that she knew about Scarlett and Ramirez all along?

  Now I was angry with her too.

  I need to breathe.

  God, please help me.

  Text Message

  New Friend: Can you call me now?

  Me: Yes.

  I looked at the phone took a deep breath and dialed the number. The moment he answered I felt relief. His voice was heavy with base, confidence and sexiness. The thing is all he said was, ‘Hello’.

  “So before you say anything,” he said next. “Are you gonna ask if I’m one of the actors or the director?”

  I smiled and considering what I’d just seen with the betrayal that’s saying a lot about his personality. He knew how to make me giddy despite the hate swimming in my body in the moment. “No. I don’t care. I just need someone to talk to right now.”

  He laughed. “I like, I like. You’re keeping the mystery of us alive.”

  “Yes. I guess you can say that.” I paused and wiped my hair back. “Plus I don’t want whatever we got going on destroyed by a bunch of questions. Anyway I’m calling for something else.”

  He exhaled and I wondered how warm his breath would feel against my cheek. “So talk to me. What has you up in arms, Race Kennedy?”

  I looked around, stood up and reviewed my reflection in the mirror. Now that I had him on the phone I wasn’t sure if I wanted to tell him that my husband didn’t love me anymore. And that I may have been the cause because my pride would not allow me to let him fuck me. Or that he was sleeping with my sister-in-law.

  This entire ordeal was muddy as fuck.

  “I have a dilemma. And I don’t know how to handle it.” I told him. “I was hoping you could help.”

  “Well…does this dilemma involve someone you love?”

  My eyes narrowed. “Yes.”

  He laughed but not loudly or out of disrespect I’m sure. “If it involves someone you love that changes things. You know that right?”

  I sat on the edge of the cool tub and looked down at my red polished toes. “I know. That’s why it burns so badly.”

  “Does your dilemma involve another person? That you also love?”

  “If I wasn’t sure I’d think you knew what was happening to me already.” I bit my lip after a flash of them together entered my mind again.

  He chuckled. “No…I don’t know what you’re about to drop on me. Not yet anyway. I’m just giving you the chance to keep as much privacy as you want by not giving too much detail. I don’t want you regretting what you say to me in the morning.”

  Damn, I’m feeling this man already.

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem. Now talk to me.”

  I stood up, flipped on the switch to heat the floors and paced. “Someone I love betrayed me with someone else I love.” I paused. “And everything in me wants to kill them both. Tonight. In fact I made up my mind already. I guess I wanted to talk to someone about it first.” I can’t believe I was so honest but at the same time relief moved through me.

  “I’ve been that mad but let me say this before you make a move. If you kill them, especially with you being angry, you’ll feel guilty soon thereafter. I know you may not think you will but trust me guilt will come back for you. It always does. But if you make them pay in another way, the satisfaction can last for a lifetime.”

  I thought about what he said and the way he said it. His tone was creepy but his words rang true and called out to my soul. “What are you suggesting I do? Because I’m not letting it go.”

  “If these are people you love then that must mean you know them well. Instead of killing them take your time to get revenge. They say revenge is a dish best served cold because you don’t eat the meal when it’s hot and you’re angry. You wait until you’ve had time to sit with it for a while to think of the best plan. When you think it’s time, write a list of what they love the most and when you have it in your possession take everything from them. Leave nothing on the table.”

  I stopped pacing. “Wow, remind me to never get on your bad side.”

  He laughed. “Impossible for you to be on that side.” He paused. “Plus I just want you to have what you really desire without getting time for murder. You think that it’s blood you want but when you consider your predicament, whatever it may be, you’ll find out it’s the furthest thing from the truth. You want them to feel pain? Emotional pain for betraying you. And what better way to give them that, except that they be alive long enough for your plans to go through? Take your time, Race. Don’t move fast.”

  Strangely, just thinking about taking my time was getting me excited already. “You’re right.” I nodded.

  “I’m here if you need me, Race.”

  Although I received the comfort I wanted from him I desired to hang around a little longer on the call
just to hear his voice. “Do you have anyone? In your life you care about? Or are serious with?”

  “I thought we wouldn’t go there until we were ready.”

  “I’m ready now.”

  “You’re in pain and you’re looking for a ride out.” He paused. “I can’t be that for you, not in this way. When we meet and discuss our lives I want the time to be right.”

  I shook my head. “All you did just now was make me want to know you even more.”

  “Then my job is done.” He paused. “Good night, beautiful. Soon we’ll talk. In the meantime think about the ones who wronged you and what it will take to get the revenge you need. I’m here if you want ideas.”

  Now he was scaring me and yet I couldn’t turn away. “Thank you.”

  “Thank me by striking back. The calculating way.”

  When he ended the call I slid out of the bedroom. Part of my anger returned when I saw that Ramirez hadn’t come back to our room, or our bed.

  Fuck this nigga!

  I had to stay unemotional even though I thought I was about to say fuck it and approach him anyway. Instead I took five deep breaths like Ramirez had taught me in the past and relaxed.

  It was like turning the eye off under a pot of boiling water.

  I sat on the edge of the bed and looked ahead at the wall. What do you want Ramirez? And what do you want Scarlett?

  Whatever it is. I’m taking it all away.

  An hour later he returned to our room. Soiled with her perfume, her body fluids and of course lies.

  He showered first.

  The telltale sign of a man who’s been cheating and although I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs I maintained my composure. Even when he raised the sheets, lowered them over his whorish body and snuggled close to me. With his arm resting heavily on my waist he kissed me on the back. “I love you, Race.”

  God, please help me!

  I bit my bottom lip. So hard this time I drew blood, the salty fluid coating my tongue and flowing down the back of my throat. “I’m sorry for hurting you, Ramirez. I know you need me now more than ever, with Camp being gone. I’ve been so selfish I don’t see how you can stand me.”

  “You’ve been there don’t say—”

  “I am going to say it because it’s a wife’s duty to express how much she cares about her man and I haven’t done that for you lately. But I want you to know that I’m awake now and you’ll see a change in me. A firm one.”

  “Wow, that’s what I always wanted to hear.”

  To add to the ruse I turned around and looked into his eyes. The green glare from the LED alarm clock allowed me to see his sneaky face. He was a monster, the handsome, sneaky, big dick kind. “You’re everything to me, Ramirez.” I paused. “You believe me don’t you? You believe that as long as your are faithful and true I’ll be faithful and truer to you?”

  Guilt appeared to weigh down his words because he didn’t answer right away. And since I knew the truth about him fucking Scarlett I waited quietly. Refusing to say anything, which would allow him off the hook.

  “I believe you, Race. And I’m sorry for allowing her into our marriage.”

  “Her?” I said in a naive tone. The question was like a double entendre. I knew who he was speaking about but it could apply to Scarlett or Carey considering what I knew.

  “Scar…I mean Carey.”

  I smiled.

  He was so drunk with another woman’s love he was about to say her name in our marital bed. Getting him back would be more than an eye for an eye type of situation. It would be pleasurable. “I love you so much, Ramirez.” I closed my eyes and kissed his dirty lips. “I’m gonna have a lot of fun showing you.”



  I woke up with a bad feeling in the pit of my gut. Something terrible was going to happen today. The moment I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom Kevin got up too and followed me.

  What was on his mind?

  I sat on the toilet and pee trickled out of my body and splashed inside the bowl and yet he continued to stare like my face changed. “Kevin, what is this about? I know you haven’t been asleep because whenever I turned over in the middle of the night you were looking at me.”

  His jaw twitched and he leaned against the wall. “When you gonna tell me what really happened with Abd? Huh? Because what you saying don’t make sense. I thought about it all night and can’t think of one scenario where he would let you go.”

  My eyes widened and I let out a loud laugh. I couldn’t believe he was coming at me like this. “Wait, are you serious? I got snatched out my truck and you blaming me?” I pointed at myself.

  “Bambi, stop fucking with me. What really happened when he kidnapped you? I didn’t want to say this in front of the family but I know they’re wondering too. Because it doesn’t make a lot of sense that he would let you go when he had you where he wanted you. He could’ve kept you, extorted money out of us and everything.”

  I hit the toilet paper roll a few times and snatched off a piece. “Kevin, I could’ve been killed. The last thing I want to do is argue with you about what might have happened.” I wiped my pussy, dropped the tissue and flushed the toilet before moving to the sink to wash my hands.

  “I know them middle eastern niggas.” He stood behind me. “And they rape bitches like you. Did he touch you? In any way?”

  “First off a middle eastern nigga sounds strange so I want you to never say that shit again. Secondly what do you think happened? Because it’s obvious that you have an opinion.”

  “I think you did what you had to and if that’s the case I wish you’d just tell me instead of letting me find out from another source. We always keep shit one hundred with each other.”

  “Do we?” I said thinking about the bitch he fucked some years back.


  I dried my hands, walked out of the bedroom and flopped on the edge of the bed. “Kevin, I’m not well enough emotionally to fight you. Nor do I want to. I told you everything he said and now I’m here and alive. I’m happy about that. Aren’t you? I mean can’t that be enough?” Suddenly my cell phone kicked off and I reached over to grab it. When I turned the phone up I saw Sarge’s number. “What up, Sarge?”

  “First off how are you, Bambi? I’ve been worried sick but nobody would let me talk to you.”

  “I’m sorry, Sarge. I took a few pills to sleep and was out of it last night. Plus the family wanted me to get some rest so no one wanted to wake me.” I paused. “But why do you sound frantic?”

  “I hate to do this to you but I have more bad news.”

  I stood up. “What is it now?”

  “Our men are dead…it’s a massacre out here in these streets!” He yelled. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck. “What you talking about?”

  “Everybody’s gone, Bambi. Before I called you I checked on all of our blocks and every nigga grinding is gone in D.C. The way it happened reminds me of when we were in Saudi Arabia. They were on some sniper shit, taking out one after another of our men.”

  Kevin snatched the phone out of my hand and placed the call on speaker. “What about our Baltimore soldiers? They hit too?”

  “No, I believe they got word and took cover,” Sarge continued. “But everybody else is gone, bosses.”

  Kevin looked at me and shook his head. “Go to the Emergency Room and we’ll be there in an hour,” he told him.

  “Okay…” Sarge ended the call and Kevin tossed my phone on the bed.

  When the line went dead he looked at me. “I guess you got your answer, Kevin,” I said with an attitude. “He didn’t kill or fuck me because he had another plan. To shut down our operation from the outside. He’s playing games. He wants the take down to be slow and painful.”

  Me, Kevin, Race, Ramirez, Scarlett, Bradley and Denim walked into the Emergency Room. One of our female soldiers watched over Master at the compound.

e location was in a small underground warehouse we used to stash weapons sometimes. We were all strapped and ready for a street war if need be an there were five men covering the front and five covering the back to make sure nobody got in our hideaway aka THE EMERGENCY ROOM.

  Inside were Sarge and three of our trusted men and they didn’t look as confident as they did in the past, especially Sarge. When I looked at him I was shocked because although he was much older, probably in his fifties, his face took on a deeper age in the moment. And I believe I saw a few gray hairs sprouting around the front of his hairline that weren’t there before.

  We sat around the oval table and Sarge sighed deeply before talking. “Prior to this shit tonight I spent my career in the army.”

  “You don’t have to tell me, Sarge,” I reminded him. “I was with you for at least a few of them years.”

  “I know, Bambi. And my statement was built with no disrespect, boss, but I wanted to give you an idea of what we dealing with out there. I’m talking about an organized attack on our men. They had a firing squad for every man on our D.C. blocks and they activated that hit at the same time causing mass destruction.” He paused and wiped the sweat from his brow. “Our boys aren’t equipped for this type of war. They thug niggas. We haven’t trained ‘em for it. I mean, they’re good for gun on gun attacks but this shit was strategic. Armies are in training for years to gain the skills necessary to fight Abd.”

  I looked down. “I hired someone to find out more Intel on Abd and his D.C. presence.”

  “I know, Roman called already to get some information. I think she’s perfect because she works quietly and alone.”

  “But it’s going to be a slow process, Sarge. Roman is good but until we find out where Abd is we have to lay low.”

  Sarge looked down. “I have always supported the Kennedy King movement.” He focused back on us. “You all know that…”