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Prison Throne Page 5

  She frowned. “Then come with me and prove it.”

  “That’s not my thing, Snow. Everybody got their own thing.”

  She shook her head sadly. “You shouldn’t turn your back on God, Rasim. You never know when you might need Him.”


  Rasim sat in the rec room playing cards with Queen who had wanted him from day one. She was as awful in Spades as a pitbull puppy in a room full of new Jordans. But he didn’t have another partner because when it came to Spades, Brooklyn and Chance acted as if they were newlyweds who didn’t want to cheat on each other.

  When Rasim stared out in frustration, he saw Snow sitting in front of the TV. Every now and again she would look at him but then focus back on the show. He knew what she was doing—determining how else she could serve him—and she had a nigga feeling like a king. Dudes were salty when it came to the attention the cute red bone had blessed Rasim with and it showed in their glares.

  She was the weirdest chick he ever came in contact with in his life and he never met anyone like her. That made her more than special. It made her unique.

  When Rasim found out that Queen threw out a high Spade to cut his high Spade when she held a lower card in her hand, he grew frustrated. “Damn, girl. Why you didn’t throw out a lower Spade the last hand? You cut your own partner and shit. I thought all you was holding was high cards.”

  “Leave her alone,” Chance laughed.

  “Yeah, ya’ll not losing by that much anyway,” Brooklyn added.

  Rasim’s nostrils flared and he said, “Get up, Queen. You cut.”

  “I’m cut?” she repeated with an attitude. “How you figure?”

  “Because you can’t play, now bounce.”

  Queen scooted from the table during one of Snow’s head turns when she was checking to see if Rasim needed anything. So he waved her over and she came hither.

  Several male teenagers wanted to steal Rasim in his jaw they were so fucking jealous. The problem was that although Rasim was not a gangster, Brooklyn and Chance could not say the same.

  When Snow was standing across from him in front of Queen’s chair he said, “Sit down.”

  Snow took Queen’s seat without a word and Brooklyn and Chance eyed the couple.

  “You know how to play Spades?”

  “I do alright,” she said softly.

  “Then prove it.”

  And it was so.

  Game after game, Rasim and Snow beat the brakes off of Brooklyn and Chance and their winning streak was no more. It was so bad that other teenagers gathered to see Rasim and Snow rule.

  Snow appeared to come alive as she slammed her cards down on the table with authority, resulting in stolen book after stolen book.

  After her Spades swag was displayed, if he didn’t know it before, he knew it then. That pretty bitch was made especially for him.


  It was midnight and all of the teenagers were supposed to be in bed. But as usual, Rasim and his friends didn’t respect authority.

  The odor of detergent was overpowering as Rasim pressed Queen against the wall in the dark laundry room. He kissed her deeply while he fingered her pussy so long his digit stiffened.

  Rasim was somewhat impressed. She didn’t know how to play Spades but her pussy was clean and he appreciated that. The saddest part of it all was that although Queen was willing, Rasim didn’t want to be there. His mind was on Snow and he wondered where her head was. If she was thinking of him.

  Queen was okay. He discovered she had aspirations and he respected that. She dreamed of being a boss and declared that she would have her own business someday. She was cool if sluts were what you were in to.

  In addition to her brains, she was aggressive. She yanked Rasim by his collar after their conversation for a little more intimacy earlier in the day. Although he wanted Snow, she moved too slowly after the game was over. She basically retreated, giving Queen full clemency. Big mistake.

  Across the way, Brooklyn had Nicky on top of the washing machine as he suckled her breasts. And there was no way Rasim and Brooklyn would be doing their thing without Chance getting in on the fun too. True to his word he was standing in the corner getting his diseased dickey sucked by Big Angie, the girl with the duffle bag dildo.

  Although he freaked Queen, Rasim’s mind floated once again to Snow. He thought about how after they won a total of six matches, Snow bought Rasim a soda because she overheard him telling Brooklyn that he was thirsty. But after the deed, like she had in the past, she dipped off.

  Ironically, a strange thing was happening between Rasim and Snow. The more space she provided him, the more he wanted to be around her. He was used to women pressing him out for his time and attention.

  Queen stripped her lips away from Rasim and whispered, “I like you, Rasim. A lot.”

  “I like you too,” he responded, kissing her neck.

  “You and your friends are so cool.”

  “Of course,” he whispered kissing her chin. “You’re dealing with a king amongst kings.”

  She giggled. “Come on, Ras. Fuck me.” She was getting hornier with each flip of her clit and was willing to go the extra mile. Especially since Chance and Brooklyn had their strumpets with their hands on the dryers as they pounded them from the back.

  Within seconds, the smell of detergent was washed away and replaced with the scent of young girls who didn’t know how to wash their pussies properly. The odor teetered the line between a couple bushels of crabs and a block of brie cheese.

  Rasim couldn’t see the girl’s face but he could feel her passion. “We can do that later,” he said as he moved in for another kiss and started playing with her box that, quite frankly, was getting a little dry.

  Queen wasn’t about the foreplay shit. Straight up, she wanted to fuck.

  “Rasim, stop playing,” she whispered in his face. “I know you got a condom.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Go get one from Brooklyn then. I heard him tell Nicky that he had a whole bag under his bunk.”

  Rasim exhaled and said, “Aight. I’ll be back.”

  When he left he thought about what Queen wanted to do. The way she threw her kitty around the group home had him concerned about feeding the cat. Not only that but after awhile the laundry room smelled like Trash Pussy Soup.

  But, there was something else on his mind too.

  Away from Queen, Rasim crept into his room that was full of sleeping boys and brushed his teeth. He didn’t like the way she tasted in his mouth. It wasn’t nasty. It just wasn’t right. Instead of looking for condoms, he tiptoed down the dark hallway toward Snow’s room.

  When he made it to her dorm’s door, he walked past it once and then again. He knew he couldn’t knock because nine other girls shared the room with her, minus the one who was getting banged out in the laundry room by Chance.

  Feeling stupid, he was about to turn around when Snow opened the door, walked out into the hallway and leaned up against the wall. She looked down at the floor with her arms crossed over her chest. Unlike Queen with her tight fitting clothing, Snow was wearing baggy gray sweats, her favorite attire.

  How did she know he was there?

  Her stance resembled a child who was bored and desired to play and it made Rasim want to protect her. He never felt that way about anyone in his young life.

  Instead of saying anything to her, he decided to play the mute game with Snow. He grabbed her by the hand and led her to another room in the group home. The fact that Ms. Brush Face could come out at any time and deport his ass out of the facility excited Rasim even more.

  When they made it to the small, dark conference room that was used for lawyer visits, Rasim pushed a table in front of the door. It wouldn’t stop Ms. Brush Face from breaking the bitch down if she was so inclined but it would buy him a few seconds.

  With his barrier in place, he turned around and looked at Snow. There was just enough luminosity streaming in through the windows across the way due to
the lights outside of the property. Slowly he walked toward her and gazed into her sparkling hazel eyes.

  He was fully expecting her to remain silent as usual but instead she whispered, “I love you.”

  Rasim was blown away.

  Snow didn’t speak much but when she did she spoke levels.

  “I know,” he responded.

  Forever socially awkward, she asked, “Can I do anything for you?”

  He smiled. “I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want.”

  “I think you’re perfect,” she admitted looking down at the floor again. “In my eyes, you’re Superman.” This time she stared into his eyes.

  Rasim’s heart beat wildly. Damn, this chick was for him. He was too young to feel like a grown ass man, yet Snow did that for him. “What did I do to earn a tag like that, Snow?”

  “Whenever I’m around you, you make me feel stronger,” she whispered.

  That was it.

  Rasim was done.

  He lowered his head and kissed her gently on the lips. With their mouths connected, they eased down to the dirty brown carpet. Snow was on her back and Rasim was careful not to apply too much pressure. He could feel Snow’s body warming up and he was rock hard.

  Since Rasim had brushed his teeth moments earlier, the minty flavor of his lips had Snow tickled wet. It was a far cry from Morris’s swinging jaw that was for sure. Snow found herself wanting to go to the next level, which was something she’d never done before. Emboldened, she stripped her lips from his and stared into his eyes. She swallowed and said, “I’m ready, Rasim. You can have sex with me if you want. I give my life to you.”

  Now it was Rasim who would take a few moments to gulp some air because he held a secret not even his friends knew about. “Snow, I never… know.”

  If he was talking to another girl, she would know exactly what he meant but Snow simply wasn’t the type. The strict routine she grew up around succeeded in stealing any creativity from her mind so she was always confused. If Rasim wanted to explain something to Snow, he had better come out and say it.

  “I don’t understand,” she whispered.

  Rasim sat up and leaned against the wall. Snow crawled in the same direction and sat next to him before allowing her head to rest against his shoulder. Both of them looked toward the window and Rasim played with his fingers. What he was prepared to share with Snow he’d never revealed. “I never been with a girl before,” he mumbled. “Sexually.”


  Now Snow was hip.

  “I never been with a girl either,” she responded seriously.

  Rasim busted out laughing but Snow didn’t find the humor. She didn’t make jokes and she wasn’t making one then. That was something else he liked about her. She was robotic, beautiful and innocent at the same time.

  How she do that? He thought.

  “I hope not,” he chuckled. At first, the fact that he didn’t have sex made him feel inadequate. But around Snow, all was well in the world.

  She raised her head and looked over at him. “Do you want to have sex with me now? Because I want to have sex with you.”

  “But what if I hurt you?”

  “At least I’ll know I’m alive.”

  Once again, Snow amazed him with her word play and they found their way back to the floor. Rasim removed her sweatpants first, followed by the big yellow panties he waved in the air. It was somewhat poetic that she had them joints on.

  Naked from the waist down, slowly and carefully Rasim entered her tightness. Rasim was heavily endowed so he would stop whenever Snow bit down on her bottom lip to check for pressure. He wasn’t trying to hurt her. He wasn’t even trying to cum. All he wanted was to share this experience with someone he cared about, and someone who cared about him.

  But, just like any good sex act, after awhile it got good for the both of them. Rasim felt the fine hairs over his body rise and his lower belly heat up.

  Oh the feeling!

  Pure bliss!

  Even Snow, who never had an orgasm in her weird life, began to tremble. At least Rasim had the benefit of a dick jerk or two but this was Snow’s first. Her toes spread in her tennis and she convulsed as a tingling sensation with electric shock power coursed through her body. In the end, she was successful. She had reached an orgasm and Rasim was her first.

  He was right behind her as he lowered his head and kissed her softly. Although he wanted to be nastier, he figured the first time should be special as he exploded his semen into her body. He moaned far louder than Snow, that’s for sure, as he was drained.

  Something happened that neither one of them could deny.

  Rasim and Snow had officially fallen in love.



  Snow stood in front of the mirror in the small dance room within the group home. Dressed in black tights and a red top, she hit play on the radio and Boyz II Men’s hit song “On Bended Knee” blasted from the speakers.

  Before moving, she observed her reflection, and the body she had grown to hate. Her jaw was too squared. Her eyes were too light and her butt had zero curves. In no way was she attractive or sexy for that matter, to hear her tell it. She was an ugly monster who should’ve stayed with Slack Jaw Morris, gotten married and lived a miserable life.

  But when she closed her eyes and listened to the words of the song and thought about Rasim and what they shared last night, something compelling occurred. She stopped coming down so hard on herself and felt powerful. She felt elevated and her body swayed to the moving notes.

  Snow’s eyes remained closed as she rocked back and forth. Her arms became wings and she was free to fly.

  The music pushed into her chest. Into her heart and forced her to cry. She denied her art for far too long and she was consumed with guilt, which made the performance all the more special.

  An older dancer once told her that the only sin greater than suicide was denying a God given talent and she would never allow that to happen again.

  When the song was over she opened her eyes, looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled.

  She was back and she had Rasim to thank.


  The aroma of Pine Sol was powerful as Snow and Mute Candy cleaned the tables. Each person had one chore but Snow greedily requested two. As a result, she was in charge of decontaminating the cafeteria as well as the bathrooms. Using her hands prevented her mind from wandering so she appreciated the extra tasks.

  To say she did a good job was an understatement. Snow got into her chores so well that one kid dropped his pizza on the bathroom floor on the cheese side. He wasn’t concerned. He just picked it up and ate it anyway. After all, Snow cleaned the fuck out of that floor.

  Basically, she had two jobs at Strawberry Meadows, cleaning and caring for Rasim, and she did both with pride. Rasim’s side of the room was so immaculate that Southeast Brian and a few of his boys took to telling Ms. Brush Face that Snow was doing his chores in the hopes of stunting his groove. They were in for a surprise when each received a solid tongue lashing for smelling like weed and were thrown into a two-week suspension.

  After Snow was sure the cafeteria and bathrooms were unblemished, she sat on the couch in the recreation room and pulled her legs to her body. It was her most comfortable position.

  Since Rasim left Strawberry Meadows on a visit with his family, she was alone and bored. If she wasn’t with him, she was thinking about him and she liked it that way. It gave her something to look forward to because although he didn’t say he loved her, Rasim made it clear that he cared.

  In her spare time, mostly on the days Rasim was not around, she danced. She danced so much that her ankles throbbed but it felt terrific.

  In the mood for music, Snow turned the radio on just as Mute Candy walked inside.

  Mute Candy was a cute girl with chocolate skin and long, fine, black hair that ran down her back. Some thought she was Indian but she was one hundred percent African American.

  If it were true that Snow was Queen Awkward, then Mute Candy was the Princess. Born speechless, Mute Candy never said a mumbling word. Her mother, Diane Dallas, loved Candy as hard as any mother could and sometimes it showed. If only she could’ve kicked her crack habit, all would’ve been well in Candy’s world. Instead, throughout school she was picked on, abused and laughed at until recently.

  One day a predator decided that since Mute Candy couldn’t talk she probably couldn’t defend herself either. He decided to push her into a pile of overgrown grass behind her high school in an attempt to rape her. Bad move. But how was he to know that Candy kept a switchblade on her person at all times?

  The child couldn’t talk!

  Mute Candy activated the knife so quickly that the blade flew open and clicked. She wasted no second plunging it into the flesh of his stomach and when he tried to crawl away she jabbed his spine too. Blood spurted on everything she wore but she was unfazed as she evolved from victim to predator. Before long, he was paralyzed.

  When her work was done she looked down at him and felt it was good but it was time to get a little creative. Mute Candy pushed whatever she could find on the ground into his mouth to prevent him from making a sound. When he was stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey, she stuck him again.

  This is where it gets weird.

  Every day for three days, Mute Candy would walk back to the same brush and stick the rapist at least five times in his thighs. Mice would chew on his flesh at night and she loved it. At one point she busted him in the head with a glass bottle, but that was for free.

  When she came back on the fourth day the rapist was gone. An old woman looking for cans saw him and called 911 for help, after she searched his pockets for money of course.

  When the rapist was in the hospital he had the nerve to tell the authorities that Mute Candy assaulted him without warrant. In a twist of events, mainly because Mute Candy never mentioned that she was almost sexually assaulted, she was thrown in Strawberry Meadows and he was set free. Things could’ve been far worse had it not been for the man having a record as a sexual pervert so for that, Mute Candy was grateful.