Pretty Kings 4 Read online
Page 7
Race smiled as she turned up the flirting game, brushing against him as they stood over the stove. She knew Ramirez was watching. She always knew when he was watching her. Her perrifpheal vision was legendary.
If two different people judged the scene they would have different opinions. One might say they were friends laughing it up in the kitchen. But the other one would say they were minutes away from having a sex fest on the kitchen floor and that’s how Ramirez felt.
“All I said was taste a little bit of sherry.” She giggled. “You the one who turned the bottle upside down and poured it in your throat.” She laughed harder. “I told you, you could get fucked up off of it but you didn’t believe me.”
“Yeah, well I should’ve listened to you.” He boomed with laughter. “But I can’t lie, your taco sauce tastes good.”
Her eyebrows rose. “You mean you didn’t ruin my recipe by sucking down most of the sherry? I almost didn’t have enough messing with you.”
Bradley dipped his finger into the sauce and licked it. “I’m telling you it’s right, Race. Just needs a little salt that’s all.”
Race stopped stirring, turned around and hit his arm playfully. “So now you gonna tell me how to cook too?”
“Ow, that hurt,” he rubbed his bicep. “I didn’t know you had a left hook on you.”
“There’s a lot of stuff you don’t know about her,” Ramirez said entering the kitchen and the conversation. He was so consumed with jealousy he had given himself a temporary fever. A few feet from the stove he stood, legs spread apart and fists clenched in rock knots like he was about to box with God.
Bradley was too drunk to hear the disdain in Ramirez’s voice but Race detected her husband’s envy easily. Part of her plan was to make him insanely jealous but she had no idea it would work so easily and so quickly. She didn’t even do her real work yet.
Race figured she’d gotten her plan in motion when she switched the cooking sherry to brandy while flirting softly with Bradley but Christmas had come early for her.
Ramirez was furious!
And she loved it.
Ramirez, tinged with Scarlett’s pussy juice, walked up to Race and looked down at the saucepot. Using the same digit he finger fucked Scarlett with moments earlier, he dipped it into the sauce and licked it off. “This tastes good, baby,” Ramirez said to Race. “Just like you used to make.”
“Man, your wife can burn,” Bradley said, still slightly inebriated.
Ramirez looked at him and back at Race. “Can you tell me why this nigga talking to me like I don’t know shit about my wife?”
Race did all she could to hold her laughter. “Baby, are you okay? You seem out of it?”
“Nah, I’m good,” Ramirez responded.
“Me too,” Bradley interjected. “Let me go upstairs and see if Denim gonna let me get into the draws before dinner. Because Race got me feeling right with that sherry.”
Ramirez was five seconds from stealing his brother in the jaw, instead his teeth clenched. The last thing he wanted to hear was that Race did anything that helped stimulate his brother into wanting to fuck. Even if Bradley was referring to liquor. “Yeah…you go see about yours. I got matters down here.”
When Bradley walked away Ramirez rubbed Race’s shoulders. “I want us to start spending more time together, bae. I feel like we passing Bentleys in the night. Ain’t no quality time being shared between us. This lock down could be the best thing for us and our marriage.”
“You’re right and I’m gonna work overtime to show you how much I want this. I want to do the same with the family too. Bambi, Denim and Scarlett need my time also. I can’t believe it took the kidnapping for me to realize how important everyone is to me.”
Ramirez removed his hands off her shoulders and crossed his arms over his chest. “Well I’m talking about me and you.” He frowned.
“I’m confused,” Race said.
“Family is important but I want us to get back to the way we use to be. Where you relied on me to be there for you. To be that rock for you. There will be plenty of time for a family affair later.” He paused. “For now, I’m talking about building back our bond.”
“I understand, Ramirez. And I’m willing to do whatever it takes to give you exactly what you deserve.”
He kissed her on the lips not realizing she was frowning the whole time.
It seemed like everyone was giggling extra hard at the dinner table tonight and it was making me a little angry. Besides, we had a sensitive baby in the building who didn’t know us yet.
Where was the respect?
As I held Master in my arms, every time someone chuckled too hard his eyes would fly open and it would take a steady rock to get him to settle down again.
They had no consideration for Master but I did. A bunch of fucking drunks they were.
The more I looked down at him the more I realized God brought him into my life, to love, to nurture and to hold. I wanted to be his mother and I was going to do a great job at it too.
When I looked up again, there seemed to be several different conversations taking place. Scarlett with Bambi and Kevin. Race and Bradley and then there was Ramirez who looked like he was five seconds from killing everyone.
Finally there was me and Master.
I focused all of my attention on him. It felt good holding him in my arms. I loved the smell of his skin, the softness of his hair and the love that seemed to spill from his eyes as he looked up at me.
I had a right to fall for him. After a few days I spent at least five hours out of the day caring for this child. Don’t get me wrong, every now and again Scarlett would ask for him back but for the most part he was in my room and I think Bradley resented me for it.
I know he loved our little girl but I believe he felt like I was trying to replace her with his nephew and that wasn’t the case. I was concerned that Scarlett with her reckless behavior couldn’t love him properly and I was not about to let something happen to him like it did with Jasmine when she broke her leg in the tub on Scarlett’s watch.
“Okay, okay, everyone,” Race said standing up. She held a champagne glass in her hand and dinged the side of it twice with a fork. Everyone settled down and grew slightly quiet. “I want to say something but first everyone needs a drink.”
Kevin looked at Bambi and her water glass. “I can get the cider from the fridge, baby,” he said to her.
She shook her head. “No…um…I’m fine with water.”
“Are you sure? Because we don’t have to drink if it’s uncomfortable for you,” Kevin continued.
Except he was lying. Being locked down meant lots of alcohol to pass the time and she was bound to get tempted. Nobody was gonna push back on an occasional drink during this time. Not even me.
“I said I’m fine with water,” she said more firmly.
Race cleared her throat. “Well raise whatever you have in your hand.”
Bradley moved a little slowly as if he was about to pass out. Somewhere along the line he had way too much to drink but I didn’t know when. One of the downfalls about being hunted was being forced to spend too much time with family and it had only been two days since the official lock down and already I was completely annoyed.
“I’m not fucking with you this time,” Bradley said to Race. “You already got me messed up with that sherry.”
“Well don’t fuck with her then, nigga,” Ramirez said. “Fall back and let her talk.”
I caught the animosity in Ramirez’s voice but I didn’t know what inspired it. And then there was a knock on the door and he no longer mattered. It was as if all of the alcohol had been sucked from everyone’s veins, as they all slid their weapons from underneath the table slowly reminding us that we were at war.
I put Master in the crib further away from the door and grabbed my weapon too.
Slowly, while aimed, everyone crept to the front door. Kevin and Bambi were the closest but i
t was Bambi who looked out of it and then back at Kevin.
“Who is it?” Kevin asked her.
“You not gonna believe this shit,” Bambi responded.
“Who’s at the fucking door?” Kevin yelled, I guess he was unable to wait for her answer.
“Sarah,” the voice said. “Sarah Cotton. Is my daughter Denim inside?”
Everyone looked at me with a major attitude while slowly lowering their weapons. “What the fuck she doing here?” Bradley barked at me. All of a sudden he was no longer drunk. I guess anger does that to you. “I thought we agreed that we were done with that bitch. Are you crazy or something?”
“I don’t know why she’s here,” I said scratching my scalp, my blue dreads flopping around in the process. “But…but I can go see.” I moved past my family members and their hard stares as I opened the door. My mother was on the other side, a black fur coat covered her dirty black t-shirt and soot stained jeans.
Looking past her I saw our soldiers guarding the property and knew why they let her into the gates. She was my mother and they wouldn’t turn her away although I wish they bothered to phone first. Still, she was on the list. We forgot to take her off after the last beef and that alone gained her entry.
I opened the door wider and my mother came inside, looked at everyone and dropped a trash bag directly on top of the taco sauce on the table. Placing her hands on her hips she said, “I don’t know why ya’ll staring at me like you crazy. This my family too.”
Bambi sighed.
“Bitch, this not your family,” Bradley barked. “I thought I told you before to find your own way.”
“And I tried to do that!” My mother yelled. “But because of you all I can’t live my life.” She rotated her finger. “So I came here.”
“What does that mean you can’t live your life?” Bambi asked. “You a grown ass woman.”
“Some Pakistanian looking men been coming around my house, asking about all of you.” She paused, pointing long fingers at each of us. “Now I don’t know what trouble you into but I’m not about to die because of it. So as far as I’m concerned the decision is easy. You have to take me in.”
Kevin stepped closer to her, his fists clenched and I stood beside him in case I needed to block a blow. “Do you remember what you said to us, the last time I saw you?”
My mother waived her hand. “How could I remember what I said months ago…life moves quickly you know?”
“Well I remember everything. You said, ‘I don’t know what it is about you Kennedy’s. Can’t run an operation and can’t save your own people. And tell me something, what is it about ya’ll that makes you keep losing kids? First Jasmine, then Master and now the twins. Is no one safe around you fake ass gangsters?’” He paused. “And now you show up here?”
I was shocked that Kevin remembered verbatim what her words were but then again that was a very painful night. He lost one child and a brother, and my mother was insensitive as she spilled such malicious things from her lips.
“Listen, I was an evil person when I was last here but if you allow me to come back I promise to stay out of the way. You won’t hear from me at all. Trust me, I’ve learned my lesson.”
“You can’t stay here,” Bradley said shaking his head from left to right. “That’s out the question. Now we’ll give you some money to find another place but-”
“There’s no place safer in the world than right here, in the Kennedy compound, and I’m not going anywhere.” She pointed at the floor. “You’ll have to kill me first.”
And then everyone looked at me.
I could tell they wanted me to make the decision that would send her on the way but she was my mother. Which is why I told her to lie to them about Abd asking around about us in the first place. I knew it was the only way to get them to even consider opening the front door. Because although my mother could be messy they wouldn’t want to see me lose her after I’d lost so much already.
“You gonna tell her to bounce or not?” Bradley asked. “We waiting.”
I looked down, around the room and back at him. “She’s my mother. If she goes, I go too. Is that what you want?”
Bradley stormed off, waking the baby.
I held the phone I used to re-route the calls from the Dope Phone Scarlett was supposed to be manning against my ear. While disguising my voice I gave the men bad direction that would cause a war, which was also a part of my plan. “Yes, we are making drops next week, Thursday to be exact. Once you go to the location I just gave you, you will be given your delivery,” I lied.
Rollo, who I liked the least of all our customers, which is why I selected him, sighed. “I hope you guys are coming through this time with the fruit, Scarlett. Because this beef is fucking with my operation. If this is postponed again I might have to find another distributor.”
“So you think we want it like this?” I paused. “The operation gonna be up and running next week, like I said. Just meet us at that location and things will be fine.”
“Yeah aight.”
When I finished with the call I tucked the phone into my panty drawer, covered it with a few La Perla pieces and grabbed my other cell phone. I hadn’t spoken to my New Friend all day and figured now was as good a time as any.
Lying on my bed, face up, I dialed the number and waited for his voice to come on the line. For some reason I had gotten used to speaking to him as opposed to texting so I went with what I felt. “Hey sexy,” he said. “You gonna be rich because I was just thinking about you.”
“I’m rich now.”
“No doubt.” He laughed. “I fucking love your sexy ass.”
“You know that’s so unfair that you know who I am but I don’t know which one you are.” I rolled over on my side and looked out the open bedroom door. “I’m jealous.”
He chuckled. “You wanted it this way remember? I’m just keeping your plan alive. Go with the flow.”
“I wish I remembered why I agreed to it.”
“I think the real reason is because you like mystery. Why else wouldn’t you have asked me which one I am?”
I smiled. “Yeah, maybe that’s the reason, either way I don’t want to ruin it. Like you said let’s keep with the plan.” For some reason I slipped my hand into my jeans, into my panties and against my clit. I didn’t want phone sex from him but all this revenge shit had gotten me horny.
“Good, I figured you’d want it to remain this way,” he paused. “So how’s your plan coming on with those who betrayed you? You sound in a better mood.”
I continued to rub my clit. “It’s coming on too good.”
“Are you excited about that?”
When I realized he wanted a real conversation I removed my fingers from my pussy and wiped the juice onto Ramirez’s pillow to dry them off. “I am excited but it’s making me think things are too good to be true. Like in a matter of time things will go badly.”
“So what if they do? Stay with the present. Stuff is working right now and already you got the upper hand. They have no idea you’re coming for them. You know how many plans I put into motion only for them to fall through? You got the advantage. Roll with it.”
I sighed. “I guess the other reason I feel bad is because I don’t feel bad. To make this shit work I got to get people involved that don’t have anything to do with it, you know?”
“Are the people you involving getting hurt? I mean, physically?”
I sat up and leaned against the black headboard. “No…of course not.”
“Well it’s a necessary evil.”
I laughed. “You sound like you’re having more fun with my revenge games than I am. It’s not that I don’t like it but still you are really enjoying yourself.”
He chuckled. “Listen, I just want to see you win. Your man hurt you and I want you to get the revenge you desire. What’s wrong with that?”
“Who said it was my man?”
“It’s always a
bout a man.”
I laughed. “Why you want to see me win so much?” I wiggled my toes and realized I needed to have them done. Since we can’t leave maybe I can get Bambi to do them for me if I do hers too. I can never do my own. “You barely know me.”
“I want this over so we can get to the business we have with each other.”
I laughed. “And what business is that?”
“I’m gonna wait until you handle this situation with your husband before telling you everything you need to know.” He paused. “Trust me, I’m a patient man.”
“Race, can I talk to you for a minute?” Denim asked entering my room.
I didn’t even hear her come inside.
I’m slipping.
“Uh, sure, Denim.” I directed my attention to the call. “I’ll...hit you back,” I whispered. I nervously threw my phone down like she was my husband and had caught me red-handed.
“Who was that?” She questioned sitting next to me on the bed.
“Just a friend.”
She smiled. “I’ll take that as a queue to leave it alone, for now anyway.” She sighed deeply and looked out into the room. “I guess you’re mad at me too. About my mother.”
I shook my head and positioned my body to look into her eyes. “Why, Denim? Why would you let her back when you know how she is? Think about all the sneaky shit she’s done and all the manipulative games she ran on you. Why invite her into our world when she’s undeserving?”
“She’s all I have, Race. Bradley and I haven’t been able to fuck long enough to have another child so she’s the only blood relative I got on earth. And I need her safe. I wish people understood me with that part.”
“And I get the need to have her safe, Denim. I totally understand that you must protect your mother but she’s like gasoline and water in this house. It doesn’t mesh. I mean…is she important enough to sever the bond with the family? With your husband?”
“You know that’s not the case.”
“So make her leave!” I pleaded.