Redbone 3 Read online
Page 7
Bones gazed out the window— the car hadn’t moved. “Do you love him?”
“Love who?” She asked, already knowing the answer but electing to play dumb.
“I’m over him,” she lied. “I just want—”
“He doesn’t deserve you, Farah. Take a look at what he ordered from prison. The hit on your grandmother.” He frowned. “What kind of man would do some shit like that?” He paused. “He blames you for killing his brother in self defense and then has the nerve to take away the only woman who loved you as a child?”
She heard what he was saying but it didn’t make sense. Slade was a killer, which was evident by his current predicament. But putting a hit on her grandmother was out of character even for him.
Instead of answering she undid his jeans. “What you doing?” He asked looking at the driver and down at her.
She needed blood and at the moment Bones was it.
Focused, she placed his warm penis in her palm and pressed her lips against his dick until he was stiff. When he was so hard it wouldn’t bend she lowered her head and sucked until he was pulsating.
His heavy breaths told her he was almost there so she raised her dress, pushed her pink panties to the side and placed him inside of her. No longer caring who was watching Bones gripped her waist and maneuvered her hips until he could feel himself bubbling.
Just when he was about to cum she bit down into his shoulder, nipping his flesh just a little to draw blood. She kept a blade in her bra but she was feeling more organic and went with the emotion.
That meant teeth.
Bones loved every bit of it. As he pushed into her and she sucked his liquid she felt an orgasm ease up to the surface.
Cumming at the same time, they met in ecstasy. For that one moment Farah felt an ounce of relief, her skin back clear. When she was done she looked down at him and placed her hand against his face. “I care about you. But I can’t be caged forever, Bones.”
“I know, so let me enjoy you for the moment.”
“I don’t give a fuck what you think, Zashay,” Bones yelled inside of her room. “Mayoni told me you were out the other night with Farah. Where did you two go? To Shikar when I forbade you?”
“Mayoni talks too fucking much.”
“Answer the question!”
“Of course we didn’t hunt,” she lied. “We just went to a bar to get some air that’s all.”
“I know what you doing and I want it to stop. She has too much going on for your games right now. Fuck you playing her so close for anyway?”
She laughed. “Let me get this straight, one minute you want us to get along and the next minute you—”
Bones gripped her throat. “Stay away from her,” he said through clenched teeth as he pointed in her face. “She’s mine and I don’t want her poisoned with your lies.”
She smiled. “Sure, Bones.” Her tone sarcastic. “Whatever you say.”
Zashay paced the floor in her bedroom with her cell phone pressed against her ear. When Farah finally answered she cleared her throat. “Hey, I know you having a rough day. Where are you in the mansion because I went to your room?”
Farah sighed. “The gym.”
Zashay sat on the edge of the bed. “Well finish your set and get dressed.” She paused. “I’m thinking Shikar.”
Farah giggled. “You always did know what to say to me.”
“Of course, but we have to keep this a secret.”
“Consider it done.”
“It Will Be An Honor To Die By Your Hands.”
She was nervous and had sweaty palms and a jittery heart as she saw Slade peddle out of the back of the prison. She wasn’t the only one shocked. When he peeped her sitting on the other side of the plexi-glass he straightened his stance surprised to see her face. Slowly he grabbed the phone but remained silent.
Farah mashed the handset closer to her ear and awaited to hear his voice but he was mute. She would have to be first. She took a deep breath and said, “Imagine my surprise when I came for a visit and discovered you put me on your list.”
Slade wiped his mouth, squeezed his chin and bit his bottom lip to preserve the anger. “I needed motivation to remind myself how much I hate you. And what better way than to see your face?”
She smiled, looked down and shook her head. “I miss you, Slade. That ain’t why I’m here but it needs to be said so I figured I’d get it out the way.”
He inspected her—the tight red shirt she wore dressed down with a jean jacket and recently curled hair. She was as beautiful as he remembered and looked cared for. “Then why you really here?”
She looked down at her hand and back at him. “Things between our families have escalated. And I’m here because I don’t know how to stop them.”
He leaned in closer, a frown etched on his face. “Let me get this straight, you got beef on the street and you come to the man whose brother you killed? And you expect me to help?”
“I’m not your man anymore, Farah. You can’t come to me for protection, especially with this shit.”
She felt gut punched. “I know but—”
“I hate you for what you did to my brother and what you did to us. Every night in my cell I remind myself how I gave you my heart, only to find out you were responsible for killing my flesh and blood.”
Farah was caught off guard by how candidly he threw murder and her name out on the prison phone system. She looked around and then back at him in fear.
Slade picked up on her emotion and rolled his eyes to the side before focusing on her. “This joint is a dinosaur. No updated tracking system. We can speak freely.”
Farah lowered her shoulders in relief before addressing him about her murdering Knox. “Slade, it wasn’t like that…I…I…”
“You could’ve told me the truth!” He roared. “You could’ve kept it real with me and I would’ve heard you out. But now…now…”
“So you did put the hit out on my grandmother.”
He looked behind himself for C.O.’s and then back at her to be sure he heard her correctly. “What did you just say?”
“Did you kill my grandmother?” Tears rolled down her cheek.
“I’m not a monster, Farah.” He said through clenched teeth. “And I’m not you.” He pointed into the glass leaving his fingerprint. “So never come at me like that again.”
She was relieved. “Then I guess your brothers are responsible.”
“So…so you’re saying that Elise is…is…gone?”
The compassion he’d shown in his eyes was genuine and she knew he wasn’t capable of such horror. “Yes and that’s why I’m here, Slade. Not to make your life miserable but I’m here so that nobody else dies.”
Slade wiped his hand down his face. “Which of my brothers you think did it?”
“Not sure.” She shrugged. “But we think it was Audio.”
One eyebrow rose. “Who the fuck is we?”
Slade looked away and back at her. “What did you think was going to happen?” He continued. “Huh?” His neck corded along the sides. “Did you actually believe you could kill a Baker and all would be right with the world? Is that what you assumed?”
“You have to understand, I didn’t mean to hurt Knox.” She clutched the phone tighter, as if doing so would make him believe her and restore the trust. “And I definitely didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Bitch, I saw you covering his nose in that picture.”
His breath was so heavy it fogged up the glass. If he could he would’ve fractured it just to lay hands. But after the fight with the inmate he lost visits for a week. It would’ve been longer but the CO who was there in conjunction with other witness testimony proved he was not the aggressor.
She sighed. “Slade, the pictures that Theo showed you were fake.” She said softly. “T
hey weren’t real. I told you that and still you don’t believe me. You wonder why I never came to you in the past and this is why. If we were on the outside and you reacted like that I would be dead.”
She rubbed her forehead. “I’m going to pay for an attorney to get you out. I owe you that.”
He chuckled. “What you gonna do? Get money from that nigga I saw you with in Platinum Lofts?”
“If I have to.”
“Don’t waste your fucking time. I don’t want money from your man.”
She frowned. “It’s not like that.”
“Then who is he to you?”
“He’s someone who…someone who helped me stay alive. While the man I love’s family is out to get me.” She exhaled. “You will never believe me, Slade and I’ll die trying to prove it but the only man I care about is you.”
He shook his head, not trying to hear her poisonous words. “Whether you pay for an attorney or not it won’t stop me from squeezing the life out of you the moment I’m free.” Witnessing how much he hated her made her sick to her stomach and he saw hives rise on her skin.
“If I must die it will be an honor to die by your hands.”
“As Many Orgies Go On In This Place.”
Farah was at the bar again within the mansion rubbing her throbbing temples. Based on Dr. Weil’s philosophy she needed blood.
After sneaking out earlier, walking almost a mile to the main street just to catch a cab she was drained. Each step was filled with anxiousness as she wondered if Bones would know she left the premises alone. The mansion was huge and it was easy to get lost but he played her too closely for her to do things on her own.
Every move had to be calculated.
So the moment she arrived back she slipped in her gym clothes and splashed water on her face to make it look like she was sweating. Relief struck her when she crept into Bones’ room, hand towel draped around her neck, only to discover he wasn’t there.
When she asked Mayoni where he was she replied, “Out to find Bakers. Where the fuck else would he be?” Afterwards Mayoni rolled her eyes and stomped away.
“You look like you lost your best friend,” Zashay said switching into the bar to pour herself a glass of Hennessy. “And after everything we shared I think your best friend in this place is me.”
Farah suppressed a grin. “Hey, Z. What you up to?”
“I thought I was gonna have to grab a drink alone.” She paused. “Oh, before I forget I came by your room earlier but you weren’t there.” She took a sip. “Tell me… where were you, Ms. Cotton?”
Farah moved uneasily in her seat. “I was in the…the gym.”
“I must say, that body is looking right,” Zashay took a sip. “Naked and fully clothed.” She giggled. “But the thing is…I checked for you there too and you weren’t there.”
Farah sighed. “I’m not sure when but I could’ve been in the garden. This thing with my grandmother has—”
Her brows lowered. “You know people in The Fold are talking right? Saying things have gotten worse since you’ve been here.”
Farah inspected her closely. “And what do you think?”
“I think the worse things happen to the best of people. And I think having you here works for me because we’re similar. We’re both blood luster’s who need to have a good time. But I’m gonna ask you again, where were you? And this time I would appreciate a little truth.”
Farah looked closer and could tell she already knew the answer so she decided to be creative with her execution. “I’m gonna trust you because I need someone to talk to.” She took a deep breath. “I went to see Slade like you suggested. In prison.”
She grinned and covered her mouth with her fingertips. “That is such great news! And why was that so heavy to say? Always your secrets are safe with me.”
She lowered her brows. “But were you following me?”
Zashay’s stare ping ponged around the bar. “Let me put it this way, you’re always watched, Farah. Being in The Fold means every waking moment is scrutinized. We have to know what’s going on and who things are going on with at all times.” She paused. “Besides, you’re our first new member. Everybody else came from know that.”
“Anybody else know? About me going to see Slade?”
“I like you. And like I said I’ll never say a word.”
Her temples throbbed because everything in her power said not to believe her, but she didn’t tell Bones about their recent hunts together. Maybe she was trustworthy. “Sorry for not coming out with the truth right away.” She sat her glass on the bar and dropped her hands in her face.
Zashay moved closer, lifted Farah’s chin and looked into her eyes. Before Farah knew it she planted a plush kiss against her lips. “Want to go to the playroom?”
Her eyebrows rose. “Without Bones?”
Zashay sighed. “He’s not your man, Farah. And you know our motto so what is it?”
Farah laughed. “I’m not saying it out loud.”
“What is it?” She pressed moving in to tickle her.
Together they said, “Fuck Bones.”
“Then so be it,” Zashay said.
Farah was riding Wesley’s dick as he lie on the floor made with mattresses inside a space they called the playroom. The Weeknd’s voice sounded from the speaker system as every part of Farah’s body trembled. She played with Wesley sexually before but this time it felt personal and she loved the way he was handling her body.
Lying on her back to her left was Zashay, as Gregory banged into her soft flesh. When Zashay felt Farah’s intense stare upon her she removed the gold razor from the pouch next to her head and slit the top of her hand before raising it high. Inspired, Farah lowered her head and slurped the sweet blood off her skin, which oozed down her throat.
On the cusp of pleasure Farah felt an orgasm brewing when she was suddenly yanked from behind, leaving Wesley’s dick standing in the air.
Rage covered her when she realized the culprit was Bones. Snatching her robe she slipped it on and tied it tightly. “Bones, what are you doing?”
Wesley, Gregory and Zashay used the black silk sheets to cover their bodies as if Bones hadn’t seen them naked before. The fear came because they’d never seen him react so territorial.
“Hear me loudly…she’s off limits!” Bones pointed at Farah. “Now come with me!” He yanked her by the wrist and dragged her to his bedroom like dirty clothing, slamming the door behind them. “Fuck were you doing back there? Playing yourself like a whore?”
She laughed. “As many orgies go on in this place and I’m a whore?” She paused. “Bones, cut the shit and tell me what this is really about.”
He paced. “So you like Wesley now? Because you can’t like Wesley the way you do me, Farah. I won’t allow it.”
She laughed because his craziness had reached and all time high. “We were just having fun. Can you truthfully say you never played with anyone here but me?”
“No…I mean yes…but that ain’t the point.”
“You’re coming down on me too hard and I’m not feeling it.”
He moved closer. “Not feeling it, bitch I’m taking care of you!” He pointed in her face, his nail scratched the tip of her nose slightly. “What the fuck you gonna do if I kick you out on the streets? Huh? The nigga Slade’s in jail and his entire family is out to kill you!” He stabbed a stiff finger into her chest. “Who else you have in this world but me?”
“You know what, fuck you and fuck this house.” She pointed in his face. Storming out she bumped into Dr. Weil in the hallway. When she attempted to walk around him he grabbed her hand.
“I overheard what just happened,” he said softly. “And all I can say is this…don’t let anyone push you from under this veil of protection. Whether you want to believe it or not if you go now they will kill you.”
She ran her hand down her face.
“Why is it so important that I stay here? You don’t even know me.”
“Bones needs you, Farah.” He placed a tuft of her hair behind her ear. “I explained that to you already. Also we’ve invested in you by having you here and fighting your battles.” He paused. “And that means you can’t leave. Ever.”
“Are You Seeing What I’m Seeing?”
Shadow and Mia remained hidden in a grey stolen ford across the street from the Platinum Lofts. There was a lot of activity brewing but two men stood outside watching everyone who entered and exited. They never left post.
Although they were unassuming, even stopping to help a few elderly women who needed assistance by opening the door, they knew Bakers affiliates when they saw them.
“How you think all of this is going to end?” Shadow asked, as his eyes remained glued on the property.
Mia sighed. “You want the truth or a lie?”
He looked at her, shook his head and focused on the building again. “What the fuck I’m gonna do with a lie?”
She giggled before growing noiseless. “I don’t mean to sound like the world is gonna end but nobody’s stopping this clash anytime soon. They’re fighting for their family and we’re fighting for ours. What would you do if one of them killed your brother?”
Shadow raised his palms before dropping them in his lap. “I want blood, Mia. They killed grandma like she was a thug in the streets!” Shadow was so angry he was trembling. “She didn’t deserve that shit.”
“I know and trust me somebody has to pay. We just have to make sure it’s the right person.”
Shadow laughed. “To tell you the truth I don’t give a fuck who get hit.” He grabbed the rolled blunt in the console and fired it up. After taking a big pull he passed it to her. “And Farah, she gonna make me not fuck with her no more. Holding up in the mansion like a Texas slave. Since when did she get all scary and shit?”